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Matt Greenfield on our Board Leader Ebony Brown


Jennifer Harris-Kroll

A great piece by Matt Greenfield about Ebony Brown. We love working with the Rethink Education team and this piece is a window into why. We are grateful to have them as partners growing Anthill#nodeskrequired

Why I Think Ebony Brown Will Help Transform Venture Capital

Matt Greenfield, Managing Partner

It gives me profound satisfaction to announce that Ebony Brown is now a partner at Rethink Education. Ebony is a remarkable human being. I and the rest of the Rethink community are continually learning from her and becoming better people as well as better nurturers of entrepreneurial talent because of her.

Ebony came to us extraordinarily qualified to make impactful, transformative education investments. After she graduated from Howard University, she worked at Google for a year and then returned to her hometown, Detroit, to help build a network of charter schools. When she went to the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, planning to find a non-profit management job, she discovered impact investing and joined a student-run fund. She then took a job with seed investor Village Capital, where, after several promotions, she ended up managing US investing across all of their investment sectors.

Ebony notices things about people. She frequently sees a hidden talent or a hidden character defect or a hidden sorrow that I had missed. She is empathetic but also a clear-eyed judge of character and ability. She also has an exceptionally sensitive, finely-tuned moral compass…Read the entire article here: https://medium.com/rethink-education/why-i-think-ebony-brown-will-help-transform-venture-capital-3fd3446eadfb